The dark stories behind all raising brands today

all right 14 smartphone fails starting

off pretty bad

but ending up in some absolute disasters

so first up is the 

1.palm phone

This phone looks like a smartwatch  because the screen of the phone is very small and this phone is not successful at all because it is so expensive and the screen the resolution and the size is very small to use in over daily life and this phone this phone is not selling at all so this phone is big fail in smartphone series so let’s step next 

2.myth the


the escobar gold 11 pro  few months ago the escobar companyannounced that they were going to sell agold-plated iphone 11 profor 499 and without delving into the  details of it  they weren’t it’s a scaa scam that wed ebunked within four days of it being launched after which it very quickly disappeared from their website so three out of ten fail considering that the entire launch was stopped in its

3   LG optimus 3d

is one of those devices where you have

to say you know fair play

you tried on very first glance apart

from the fact that it was a thick boy


you might not have even noticed

something was amiss but this

was a 3d phone and they really committed

to the idea it had a 3d display

3d applications and even dual 3d cameras

on the back

and this was a fun phone like going

around taking 3d photos and even 3d


was an incredible novelty all these

years ago but there were just too many


the second you entered 3d mode the

resolution of the screen

would have to get the 3d to work you’d

have to look at it from a really

specific angle

and i guess more important than any of

that there wasn’t really much 3d content


this phone was almost banking on 3d

becoming the next big thing

on being able to tap into a flourishing

ecosystem of 3d content

and to be fair had 3d taken off this

phone might well have been a huge

hit but as we quickly discovered from

how well the 3d tv revolution went down

people didn’t really care so i’m also

giving this one a 3 out of 10 fail

saved in part because i don’t think it

was a particularly dumb decision

lg took a gamble it just so happened

that they took a gamble on the wrong


4. Xiaomi

all right next up is not a smartphone but it’s something that xiaomi has been doing with their smartphones that i think is a bit shady so in a lot of markets like india the competition isfurious companies just keep releasing

device after device

fighting to ever so slightly outspect

each other and ever so slightly undercut

each other so with that in mind xiaomi

decided to start baking

ads into their miui software skin the

idea being that it gives them another

source of revenue

so that they can price their devices

cheaper and to be honest i don’t have a

problem with ads

it’s how a lot of services are run it’s

even how youtube is run

it’s just the fact that xiaomi didn’t

tell people about it

that’s bad my friend c4e tech he made a

full video just showing how

many these devices were loaded with and

it’s crazy literally

full screen ads came out of nowhere

there were ads baked into a lot of the

core pre-installed apps even the


and the phone cleaner and every time you

installed a new app sure enough it

serves an ad

and probably the worst part of the whole

thing is that there was absolutely zero

quality control

it’s as if xiaomi just didn’t care at

all some of these ads would try to sign

you up for fake scam lottery signs and

others were just straight up vulgar

so xiaomi faced a lot of backlash after

this with a lot of people just

boycotting the brand

entirely and while they have now

somewhat dialed back on this the damage

has been done

so four out of ten fail for this one and

actually also i’d be curious to know

what your stance is

on having ads baked into your software

if it meant to cheaper phone

on the subject of xiaomi though late

last year they revealed something which

we can confidently say

5.alpha a smartphone with a 360 degree

the world had never seen the mix alpha a

smartphone with a 360 degree

wrap-around display and i really do

commend projects like this

stuff like this keeps things exciting

i’m all for it it’s just a shame that

for this

launch the one thing that xiaomi

couldn’t wrap their heads around

was how to execute it the logistics were

all over the place

i got an email actually back in december

2019 asking if i wanted to go hands-on

with the phone

i was so grateful for the opportunity

but that early hands-on was delayed so

many times that it didn’t actually

happen until the end of february

2020. the film was also meant to enter

small-scale production

in december but it just kept getting

pushed back and pushed back

indefinitely and it’s not going to come

out now it would get crushed by the

samsung galaxy z4

2. the other side to this fail comes

more from the fact that this

is a completely new type of phone and

when you’re introducing a new product

category like this

your one job is to make it clear to

people why they would want it

the phone does have really cool

potential uses and i talk about them in

my day in the life video which i’ll link

somewhere up here

but xiaomi failed to communicate them

they talked about how in theory you

could run a whole load of apps on the

back of your phone

but that’s completely pointless when you

can just swipe left on your home screen

for the same result

they showcase this crazy looking 360

degree battery charging animation

but let’s be real having this entire

display lit up while you’re charging

is just gonna slow your charging down

it’s super counterintuitive

so i’m gonna give this one a four out of

ten fail because naturally a fail like

this whilst it’s not disastrous

it does somewhat damage xiaomi’s

reputation as a company that delivers

it means that next time they announce to

the world that we’ve got something crazy

people are less likely to get excited

about it okay fill number nine

comes from the lovely folks over at

oneplus in an effort to build a new

exciting feature for their flagship 8


they integrated something called a color

filter camera and

it was pretty weird the photos from it

were low resolution with strange

inverted colors but it could do one

thing that was kind of amazing

it could see through stuff you could

pick up a tv remote and see the

batteries and the entire circuit board

inside of it

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