The best stories you have to see

the golden bread
once upon a time in a tiny village there
lived a woman named marion with her only
narcissa marion was extremely humble and
narcissa however was completely the
you see she was beautiful beyond words
she was like a living doll and the most
amusing part is she loved herself to no
narcissa would you help me bake the
huh no way mom the flower may dull my
bright and sparkly eyes
narcissa would you help me plant these
why would i do that what if i got all
that dirt on my lovely fingers worse
what if it went onto my face
well that was the problem with narcissa
she thought herself too great to do any
many suitors came to ask for narcissus
hand in marriage since her beauty was
known far and wide
but she rejected them all
very rudely
why did you send those men away
yesterday they seemed nice
you can’t be serious mom one of them had
such small eyes almost like a birds and
the other had a huge nose i wouldn’t
want to be near him when he sneezed eew
oh and the last
i don’t want to hear anymore all i could
see was that those men were really nice
my dear you must know that beauty isn’t
mother you have to realize i deserve
someone like a prince or a knight
oh dear
one night when she was sleeping her
mother sat at her side watching her
my dear child
you are so beautiful and lovely but you
do not care about anything other than
your beauty
at that moment narcissa started to laugh
in her sleep her mother was extremely
how nice she must be having a really
funny dream
the next morning when narciso woke up
she was all smiles and giggles
here sweetheart tell me what did you
dream about last night
oh mom
it was such an amazing dream you know
there was this prince who came up to me
and said that he wanted to marry me he
had come in a golden carriage
and he was dressed from top to bottom
and gold as well
what a silly dream
and you know the best part of it was
when i was in my wedding dress which was
of gold 2 of course
everyone was staring at only me
there is nothing amazing about that
dream it was a very
egotistical dream
oh mom you don’t know what you’re saying
that dream has made me realize that i
need food much grander than the type i
eat here at home
bread made of gold just think of that
poor narcissist mother was so worried
about her daughter and how she would
live her life
that day two friends came to visit
narcissus mother
they were melly and terry
the three of them had been friends for
but terry and ellie had a secret
both of them were magical beings
something that narcissus mother knew
nothing about
terry melly oh it’s so good to see you
it’s been very long hasn’t it
so long how have you been
i have been very good i would have been
better if only
if only what
if only my daughter narcissa was a
little more understanding
marion told melly and terry all about
narcissa and how she was worried for her
she wants to eat bread made of gold
what do i do with her
maybe if her dream comes true
that would be wonderful wouldn’t it
well no matter i guess in time she will
grow to learn
let’s talk about something else now
later on mellie and terry waved goodbye
to their old friend and went away
smiling to each other secretively
that night both mother and daughter got
ready for bed
i really hope my dream comes true you
oh narcissa
the next day as narcissa and her mother
were outside in their garden a beautiful
golden carriage came riding up to them
it was studded in gems and diamonds and
looked extremely stunning
as it stopped a handsome man came out of
it and looked at narcissa
she was completely taken aback at how
handsome he was
my dream is actually coming true
um what
i have come here to ask for narcissus
hand in marriage
how do you know her name and who are you
i am terence the angel of good fortunes
your daughter’s name and beauty is known
throughout the world
here i’ve brought you a gift
oh my
i would love love love to marry you
what but you hardly know him you can’t
go with him
oh how silly he’s rich and handsome what
more could i want
terence i accept your proposal
and with that she got into his carriage
and without even saying goodbye to her
mother rode off with the angel
as they were traveling the carriage
suddenly entered a magical portal
there it traveled through a stormy area
the carriage bumped around tremendously
and narcissa was very scared
oh dear oh no what is this
don’t worry my dear all of this will
soon be over
and just as he said this the carriage
went through another portal and reached
the driveway of a huge and magnificent
golden castle
narcisso was amazed at all the beauty
she saw
this is so beautiful
i knew i deserved so many riches i knew
you’d like it
anything you want you will find here
from the prettiest of dresses to the
tastiest of foods
all of it in my palace
speaking of food i’m really hungry after
that ride i’m starving can i have any of
that tasty food
of course
here meet mellie
melissa she will get you whatever you
hi narcissa i’ve heard so much about you
you poor dear you’re hungry aren’t you
come let’s go to the dining table and
i’ll get you some food oh
thank you
they went into the dining room and there
on the table was the most astounding
food narcissa had ever seen
the food looks amazing
that’s because it is
the jams are made of rubies the salads
of emeralds and the bread over there is
made of gold golden bread
how lovely this jam will look and taste
lovely with the bread
she took a slice with the ruby jam on it
and took a huge bite
oh oh wow
this is so hard i can’t eat this
well it is bread made of gold and the
finest two but if you can’t eat it
should i get you silver bread
why don’t you eat something else
but i want normal bread bread which i
can eat don’t you have that
nope the wife to be of my sire shall
only eat gold you must only eat the best
narciso looked at all the food but was
heartbroken for everything there was
she soon started to cry
oh let me go
i don’t want this
but the food is really good here try
some golden potatoes they’re really good
and after you’re married to me you’ll
have to eat all of this i thought you
liked fancy things
i don’t want to marry you i want to go
home to my mother let me go home
melissa and terence looked at each other
and winked
if that’s really what you want then i’ll
take you home
terence took the crying and unhappy
narcissa home
in the carriage she started to think
deeply about the choices she had made
when she reached home
she ran to hug her mother who was
sitting in the house sad
mom i’m back
narcissa oh my sweet daughter i thought
i’d never see you again
oh mom i love you so much and you were
right looks and riches aren’t everything
the gold bread was useless as i couldn’t
eat it and the man
even though he was handsome he didn’t
care for me at all
but my dear do you realize that that is
exactly the way you treated others
i know
i’m so sorry for the way i acted mom
oh no it’s all right since you’ve seen
what your mistake was
come let’s feed you something nice
from that day onwards narcissa changed
her ways
she struggled at first but slowly and
patiently she started to become a lot
one day mellie and terry came to meet
marion again
oh hello you two
so tell us miriam how’s narcissism now
marion told them both everything that
had happened
and she’s changed so much from that time
has she
i guess she wouldn’t want any more gold
bread now huh
you know terry you actually look a
little like that angel
though what am i saying how could you be
him you two are so nice

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