Google marks Independence Day with national flag doodle

 Assalamo alikum to all of my pakistani friends today i want to tell a very good nerws that google a very large company who has put pakistani beautifull flag on their google logo ths is very pleasure moment for pakistani who love pakistan so i want to tell all of you that happy indepandence day to all of you i pray that you live long life and you will live happpy life and happy journey this is very special day for all pakistanis because tto day we have getten freedom from india andall evil things and countrries like america russia and etc i ope that you will  b happy to heir thuis news that google has put pakistani flag on their google logo thats it see you tomo0rrow thanks for reading

you can see on google by just searching google on and browser

Google marks Independence Day with national flag doodle

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