Facebook Monetization Available in Pakistan 2022 – How To Make Money On Facebook

 Facebook is web-based entertainment stage where individuals can free information exchange and can interface with individuals that might be their companions, partners, or a gathering with similar interests. Along these lines, a gigantic organization is made web-based that associates individuals regardless of where they are on the planet.

Facebook Monetization Available in Pakistan 2022 – How To Make Money On Facebook

Facebook adaptation in Pakistan has begun, and this is uplifting news for Facebook clients. Its primary intention is to fabricate a feasible computerized stage to share contemplations, thoughts, and significantly more.

Assume you are searching for Facebook adaptation in Pakistan 2022 – a total aide. Then you are correct page. If it’s not too much trouble, remain associated with us to be aware of the Facebook adaptation subtleties.

Facebook Monetization in Pakistan 2022 

As per the news and data got from the service of data and innovation authorities, a pilot project for Facebook adaptation will be begun in light of recordings. It will rival other online entertainment stages like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and significantly more stages like it.

Facebook Adapting content can be founded on websites, item ads, and game live streaming however ought to observe all the security guidelines of Facebook.

The substance can be distributed and partaken in Urdu and English. A few other substance dialects are likewise reasonable.

KPK govt likewise has moved forward to advance Facebook adaptation in Pakistan. In this way, soon youth will Insha’Allah get a piece of uplifting news.

Criteria and rules for Facebook Monetization 

Some of the Facebook monetization criteria and rules that are important to follow are given in the below sections.

Eligibility criteria

  • To check the Facebook monetization eligibility criteria, visit your Facebook business page.
  • Click on the monetization option. A new page will open, showing the details regarding Facebook monetization.
  • Open the overview section. Select the page whose monetization details you want. Your eligibility details will be mentioned. 


  • The user’s page meets the Facebook monetization programs such as authenticity and involvement. Also, you must be in a Facebook monetization enable country.
  • All content should be published on the Facebook business page, not the user profile page. Also, the page must have a minimum of 10K followers.
  • The page admin must have an age min. of 18 years. Also, the minimum content view time should be more than 600000 minutes in the last two months.
  • There should be more active videos, more than 5.
  • Your Facebook business page should follow all the terms and policies of YouTube partner programs and their guidelines. 

Facebook video content monetization

The main question in Facebook monetization arises how to monetize the Facebook video content. The answer is here. In-stream video ads exist at the begging, middle, and end of videos. Facebook monetization is for the videos containing advertisement content related to social awareness or providing awareness about any useful service.

Thus, the Facebook monetized page when uploading any video, then Facebook provides an opportunity by notifying the admin whether he/she wants the ad in the video content or not. In this way, Facebook video content monetization is done.

Your Facebook page should meet the following criteria for Facebook video content monetization.

  • Your page should have followers of more than 10,000.
  • The content videos’ minimum viewed time should be 600,000 minutes in the last two months(60 days).
  • Also, there should be 5 active videos on the Facebook page.   

Earning from Facebook

People in Pakistan now can earn money from Facebook pages. Facebook earning in Pakistan and many other countries are much more popular and are the easiest way to earn money online through Facebook monetization. It is done through in-stream advertisement ads promoting any product or anything else.

Some of the Facebook earning methods are given below.

  1. Earning money from Facebook by optimizing it for mobile devices.
  2. Make bulk traffic through a Facebook page on any affiliate marketing website.
  3. Selling various products from any website or the Facebook App Store. Also, promoting the products using exclusive Facebook offers such as discounts, one get one, etc.
  4. Selling the digital content from the Facebook page
  5. Earning money by selling a growing Facebook page or any other digital growing Facebook site page.
  6.  Vending products from the 3rd party services through the Facebook page.

Facebook Monetization revenue

Facebook Monetization service revenue offered is the same as the YouTube 55 of advertising. 55% of profit is dedicated to content makers, and 45% is associated with Facebook. But for, all those users have to fulfill all the policies and laws. 

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