Eliza Fletcher’s body found in Memphis

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further forensic investigation by the MPD Traffic Unit positively identified the body was in fact Eliza Fletcher Memphis authorities have confirmed that remains found Sunday afternoon have been identified as Eliza Fletcher Fletcher a kindergarten teacher and mother of two was allegedly kidnapped Friday police said surveillance video appears to show a man jumping from a black SUV and forcing pletc her into a car the car’s registration and DNA found on sandals left at the scene LED police to 38-year-old cleopha abston police arrested abs tin Saturday and charged him with aggravated kidnapping Memphis Police said abs tin has now also been charged with first-degree murder police believe Fletcher suffered Serious injury during the abduction amston previously served 20 years in prison for kidnapping a prominent Memphis attorney hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you’d like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel and don’t forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching Fox well heartbreaking update Fox well heartbreaking update in the Tennessee mom .Abduction case police confirming the human remains found in Memphis Monday evening wear those of a Liza Fletcher? the suspect made his first court appearance? this morning .and is now also facing murder charges. joining us live. from Memphis Tennessee. outside The courthouse is Fox News. multimedia reporter Madison, scar pino, Madison, What more do we know? yeah, so this is news. this is news that the Memphis Community were dreading just days after Liza, Fletcher was abducted while on her morning run. Now, 38 Run now, thirty-eight-year-old Cleodea bstinent Henderson is facing multiple murder charges, and that’s on to p of aggravated, kidnapping and tampering with evidence absent

 Henderson appearedin court today for his arraignment, but the new murder and kidnapping charges were not on the docket today. Prosecutors Prosecutors one absent ,Henderson’s 500,000 dollar. Bond revoked, but the bond will stay in place until the motion is take n up tomorrow morning .Memphis Police say this all comes after Fletcher’s, body was discovered in a vacant duplex apartment in South Memphis. yesterday .That apartment was less than a mile away from where Witnesses say absent Henderson was cleaning out the floor was his GMC Terrain the same SUV,  police say, Fletcher was forced into while jogging after a man. aggressive lyrantowards her. all of this caught on security footage, to lose some one so young. and so vital, is it tragedy in and of itself but to have it happened in this way, with the senseless act of violence  it’s unimaginable. Baba outcome. of this investigation. is not what we hoped. For. we are none the less, please tore move this dangerous predator off the streets of Memphis. Why is the Fletcher’s family released a statement today talking about how much of a joy she was in everyone’s life and how devastated they are from this senseless loss. absent Henderson will once again appear in will tomorrow morning. Back to you. You know. Madison.

because this suspect has quite alengthy. Criminal history. and rap sheet. Why was he out of prison? Yeah ,you mentioned his criminal history. It’s actually ironic because he was convicted back in 2000. He was convicted and another kidnapping case. he actually, held a prominent Memphis attorney, at gun point, and he served quite a bit of time for that. and you know, today the district attorney general here in Shelby County said that because he is a repeat offense or any repeat offenders. they really deserve. just a serious punishment and that’s what his office intends to doin this case of course ,If he is convicted .Madison, I is know. you know, you’ve been therefor some days now reporting on this story. talk us through. What? the sense and the feeling is like they’re in Memphis. she was really a well-known Community leadership came from a prominent. Memphis family. What are people saying, Who was Eliza Fletcher? Fletcher? so, this community is actually extremely. tight knit and especially that. part of town that she was from. and you know yesterday we were over by the scene where this abduction happened. It’s right off of the University

 of Memphis campusa really typically, safe ,and quiet part of town. And there was people coming over. placing candles and flowers, just saying that. you know, at that point. they weren’t really hopeful that she was alive, but they were saying they, they just wanted answers and of course they did get get that this morning but unfortunately not the one that they were hoping for all right, Foxes Madison, scarpino their life for us in Memphis with some really, really great reporting on such a horrific events story here on live. Now from Fox. We know there’s a lot of interest in it ,Like Madison said, that suspect is going to appear in court. yet again tomorrow morning want to put up the statement from Eliza Fletcher’s family Im going to read it now It says quote, we are heart broken and devastated by the senseless loss. Liza was such a joy to so many her family friends colleagues. Students parents members of her members of church congregation and everyone who knew her Now ,it’s time to remember and celebrate how special she was. and to support those who cared so much for her .we appreciate all the expressions of love and concern, We have received, we are grateful beyond measure to local state and federal law enforcement for their tireless efforts to find Liza and to bring Justice to the person responsible for this horrible crime, We hope that everyone including media. Representatives. Understand the need for the family to grieve and privacy without outside. intrusion. English – CC1

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