Amir liaqat Hussain is leaving pakistan latest news

 Assalamu Alaikum dear friends hope you all are doing well and I pray for you that you live long at happy life with your happy partner so in this video I talk about Aamir Liaquat which is a political man and have good abilities and good falling on Instagram Facebook and different social platform in this article I will cover or the things about amalyakat so you know that has married in a few days it is his third marriage with a girl so a news telling that a girl was angry on him and up and and girl leaves her private videos so by seeing this kind of situation so am I locket is no more in the heart of Pakistani because Omar Liaquat is not a good man and he is mentally disturbed man he also say bad things about Junaid Jamshed who was a scholar of Islam who have written beautiful Naats who reacted na’ats Quran and different kinds of missiles so I am telling you that is in very deep depression and you can see her videos on Instagram Facebook that he is not good at all because a lot of people or angry on him and want to enjoy him so this is a short story of you can watch a lot of videos on YouTube Facebook Instagram a lot of roasted roast him a lot of media has give his news so by saying all of this situation I am telling you that this is very very bad situation that I am living Pakistan forever forever forever and is my official account of all

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